Friday, March 23, 2012

How we share.

It is all apart of human nature to communicate through requesting things from others, informing others of information, and sharing with others. How we communicate in these aspects all functions to help us be like one another and to fit into our society. Through rhetorical persuasive means, as well as self or image presentation, we communicate these means in social climates. Now that we have such an advanced technological society and social networking systems, the ways in which we present how we want others to interpret our image is mostly done over sites like twitter, facebook, and now the most popular; instagram. As a society we have learned to advanced our businesses, social networks, and self presentation by how we express ourselves and share with others on sites like twitter and facebook. How you go about doing this and conducting yourself online helps gain you online followers who will support what you feel or say, as well as provide the most current and up to date news relevant between our social groups.

With instagram rising as another popular networking site, it allows people to express themselves through a different means; pictures alone. Although instagram is a iphone, and just recently, android phone application, its popularity is growing tremendously. Rather than talk to specific friends out of many on facebook, or give daily notifications of your day, we are using pictures to express the things that matter to us, as well as give our own self depiction of how people view us individually. Even though we all can't be photographers, instragram allows us to edit the picture quality, and stature, making them just as we want them to be seen. Some argue that instagram is just a place where, "average people can pretend to be photographers" or "people just post pictures of themselves". Yet, there are so many more that argue that the pictures represent peoples perceptions and what makes them who they are. Even further, with pictures,   others can see their own interpretation of what makes a photograph beautiful and take on a bigger perception of our world and world views.


  1. I have never heard of instagram but it sounds really intresting. To express yourself through the pictures you take through out your day saounds like a fascinating idea. I wonder what other social networking will be created for us to communicate with each other

  2. I'm a little bit confused. Is this an entire site devoted to sharing pictures, or like, a Photoshop thing, where you only edit pictures that you take on your phone?

    I also think that with just taking pictures, you lose a lot of the intimacy of social networking. Can you comment on the pictures that you take? Because if so, then I think this may be a really good idea. But if not, then I feel like just taking pictures without describing them creates a disconnect among those that you post.

  3. I have only recently started using instagram. It reminds me of the days we used to decorate our Myspace to reflect our individual personalities. A photograph is a great way to express our moods, interests, and so much more. Photographs freeze a point in time, and allow us to deliver meaning to it.
