Thursday, February 23, 2012

How Pathos Expression Makes Us Feel.

Pathos can be defined in very complex ways, and the most simple is to understand that it is an appeal to the emotions of an audience or individual. Many times our emotions can surface when we view context that either we've experienced, or we can gain some type of understanding from. These emotions don't have to me positive or negative exactly, but can evoke some time of feeling anywhere from the expression of gender roles, ego gratification, reassurance of worth, creativity, love objects, power, and more that could involve our emotion placement and or needs. Without ever realizing it, pathos is such a significant term that can be used to understand, discuss or better understand why our emotions cause us to feel a certain way. In almost every advertisement, although logos and ethos are apparent, pathos is ever-present. Whenever we sit and observe a commercial, regardless of if we are conscious of it, we associate a feeling with it, and whether it is relatable or not, we will continue to associate those feelings with what the advertisement is trying to show or sell.

I recently watched a foreign commercial in another language, and without even reading the english subtitles, I automatically associated a feeling to it. There was a kid acting up in the grocery store, and automatically I thought about when I grocery shopped with young kids before and how my experience matched. I also began to sympathize with the father in this scene, as well as feel embarrassed for him because of how his child was acting out. I think pathos works best when it's a visual scene and no dialogue or ability to interpret the dialogue. This way the audience is better able to connect with the ad all on their own, and without the influence of words. Just as I was relating with the ad., the words "use condoms" appeared at the bottom of the commercial. This changes the whole element of the commercial, because at first we are connecting to it, and then these words create a placement of where the ad stands. So while reading "use condoms" some people might respond to it as a funny commercial, while others might take offense, and its interesting to note how that one word could change the entire interpretation of the commercial and it's message.


  1. In different countries, and even different areas, pathos can have different affects. After watching this video, I thought as well that it was about perhaps good parenting, or an emotional appeal to the hardships parents go through. When the words showed up at the end, I felt as though the intended comical message lost some meaning. It is a dark sense of humor, but for some it works. Pathos is a risky tool when used creatively.

  2. I so this commercial while I was looking for my ad and I thought it was hilarius then, even more so now. I don't think that the pathos that we associated with the commercial changes with the end of the commercial, i think it evolves more then anything. We now have something new to add emotions to ontop of the emotions that we already had. I feel that sometimes people forget all the hardships about kids and only see the fun joy of having a little one, this commercial shows them its not all fun and games.
